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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Shahid Kapoor wants Priyanka Chopra back

Shahid Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra's Love

Shahid Kapoor wants Priyanka Chopra
Shahid Kapoor wants Priyanka Chopra
Shahid Kapoor wants Priyanka Chopra
Shahid Kapoor wants Priyanka Chopra
Shahid Kapoor wants Priyanka Chopra
Shahid Kapoor wants Priyanka ChopraShahid Kapoor has been desperately trying to patch-up with on-off girlfriend Priyanka Chopra.

But seems like Piggy Chops is in no mood to forgive the Sasha boy. The couple had reportedly broken off after a tiff sometime back, reports Mumbai Mirror.

It was only after the break-up, Priyanka Chopra went to US for a holiday and didn't make it to Shahid's birthday.

After the holiday, she immediately joined the Don 2 team in Malaysia, without giving Shahid any chance of a reconciliation.

Now that PC is back from the holiday, Shahid Kapoor has started sending her 'miss you' and 'let's work it out' SMSes. He's even sending her flowers and texting her constantly, according to the tabloid.

Priyanka Chopra however is no mood to relent.

The source confirms, "When she's in love, there's no holding back. With Shahid, she decided to go that extra mile and make it work. That said, this hasn't been their first break up, but it's definitely the most painful. At the moment, she's not responding to his calls or messages. But common friends are trying to get them back together."

Shahid Kapoor: Please Forgive Me Priyanka Chopra!

Shahid Kapoor is going all out to woo Priyanka Chopra back into his arms, confirm sources. In fact, when she returned on Friday from her Don 2 shoot in Malaysia, he kept bombarding her with 'miss you' and 'let's work it out' SMSes.

Her absence from his birthday party on February 25 has affected him to such an extent that he's been sending her flowers and texting her constantly.

Says a source close to the couple, "Their constant fights and arguments led to the break up. She didn't want to be in town during his birthday. That's why she planned her US holiday around the same time. Hence she travelled with friends who didn't have any connection to the industry. After that she took off for Malaysia to join the Don 2 unit. It was important for her to take a clean break from her guy."

Shahid, however, hasn't taken the split as well. Realising he is at fault, he's even ready to apologise. But Priyanka is in no mood to forgive just yet.

The source confirms, "When she's in love, there's no holding back. With Shahid, she decided to go that extra mile and make it work. This hasn't been their first break up, but it's definitely the most painful. At the moment, she's not responding to his calls or messages. But common friends are trying to get them back together."

Who knows? Maybe this on-off jodi will have one more go at it!

Shahid Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra finally calls it quit

Shahid Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra always hit the headlines for their off and on relationship but this time, the grip of their separation is very tight and there seems no room of reconciliation. The duo has different takes on love and their ideologies do not match. They fight very often and this time the duo is taking too much time to resolve their differences.

Angy Priyanka not only missed her beau’s birthday but also did not bother to make a call and wish him. Shahid was expecting her but she was off for vacation with friends. After she returned to India, Shahid tried to win her back by various means but she did not respond. He repeatedly sent her flowers and love and sorry SMSs but Priyanka did not move.

It is now heard that Shahid stopped sending her messages and Priyanka also least bothered to call him or meet Shahid.

Shahid Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra’s love-hate see-saw!

The emotional see-saw of the love affair of Shahid Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra has got everyone perplexed.

They, they don’t! That’s been the refrain of the babbling tongues speculating if Shahid and Priyanka indeed love each other. Honestly, we have even stopped keeping the count of how many times they have broken up and patched up again, but if the latest rumour sweeping through tinsel town is to go by, the epitaph of their torrid romance can indeed be scribbled this time.

The break-up happened just a few days before Shahid’s birthday in February. Reportedly, the couple had been facing incompatibility issues, this after having been together for a long time. The buzz is that despite all their camaraderie, Shahid and Priyanka continue to remain contrasting personalities, their idea of ideal love being poles apart.

So after many a blow-hot-blow-cold swing in their torrid affair, the duo has finally decided to part ways and, contrary to rumours, Shahid isn’t even trying to woo her back.

Do we see another love story bite the dust! Or do the ashes camouflage the phoenix of their dying but not yet fully dead romance?

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