Kids Halloween costumes by Ellen DeGeneres.

“Everyone knows that witches and vampires are scary, but here’s something that’s really, really scary,” Ellen says before welcoming Tyler, an 8-year-old dressed as a bed bug, on stage.
Tyler sported bug eyes, which sprouted up from a black headpiece. His head appeared to be tucked into the bed - dust ruffle and all - he wore on his body.
Too scary?
Grab an apron from Chili’s, a hands-free head lamp and a miner’s axe to pull off this feel-good Halloween costume: A Chilean miner, or, as Ellen’s pint-sized guest says, “a miner from Chili’s.”
What about a political costume? Wear a teapot, carry a present, sport a party hat and go as a member of the Tea Party.
What do you think of Ellen’s costume ideas? What creative costumes for kids did the host miss?
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