NASA scientists said Film 2012 worst ever science fiction film.

The US space agency said that the end-of-the-world flick is the most ‘scientifically flawed of its genre’.
Bruce Willis's ‘Armageddon’, in which an asteroid the size of Texas was broken up by oil workers using drills and a nuclear bomb, was also panned.
Arnold Schwarzenegger's ‘The 6th Day’ was blasted for a plot where the star is cloned complete with his accent in a few hours. ‘Volcano’, starring Tommy Lee Jones and Don Cheadle, laughably showed Los Angeles consumed by a super-eruption.
Rachel Weisz's ‘Chain Reaction’ spiced up its plot about generating energy using nuclear fusion with a far-fetched kidnap.
Donald Yeomans, head of NASA's Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous mission - study of threats hurtling through space, singled out 2012 as an ‘exceptional and extraordinary case’.
"The agency is getting so many questions from people terrified that the world is going to end in 2012 that we have had to put up a special website to challenge the myths. We have never had to do this before,” the Sun quoted him as saying in California.
Meanwhile, NASA praised Ridley Scott's ‘Blade Runner’ and ‘Gattaca’ ''starring Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman as the most realistic.
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